
Weigela, Wine and Roses

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Weigela florida 'Alexandra' | Wine and Roses®

Height: 4-5ft
Spread: 4-6ft
Zone: 4-8
Exposure: Full sun
Growth Rate: Moderate
Bloom Time/Color: April-June; magenta
Uses: Specimen, massing, borders, edging, hedge
Maintenance: Low
Other: Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies

Weigela are very popular shrubs and are found in most landscapes throughout the Midwest. They are most noted for their tubular flowers in varying shades of pink or red that cover the entire shrub in spring, often reblooming in summer/fall on new growth. They have narrow, ovate leaves that are either green or purple and often keep their coloring throughout the growing season. Flowers have the added bonus of attracting butterflies and hummingbirds as well as other pollinators. Weigela prefer average well drained soils in full sun. They will however tolerate clay soils and occasional drought. Wine and Roses® is a larger weigela that is characterized by purple foliage and magenta tubular flowers.

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Warranty Information

Shrubs are guaranteed for one full year* from date of purchase. For more detailed warranty information, please visit our warranty and returns page.

*Items marked clearance or that are more than 30% off of their original price do not qualify for warranty coverage.