
Magnolia, Jane

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Magnolia 'Jane'

Height: 20-25ft
Spread: 15-20ft
Zone: 4-8
Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Growth Rate: Slow to moderate
Bloom Time/Color: April-May; pink
Fall Color: N/A
Uses: Specimen, ornamental
Maintenance: Low
Tree Shape: Upright, rounded
Other: N/A

Magnolias are a welcome site for Iowans in spring because of the multitudes of colorful blooms when nothing else has leafed out yet. 'Jane' sports rich pink flowers that bloom in early spring and later than other cultivars. This reduces the risk of frost damage, however possible. Once leaves appear, they are often elliptical with wavy edges and dark to medium green. Magnolias prefer rich, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade and benefit from a layer of mulch to retain moisture. 'Jane' was also selected for its compact habit and bronzy-yellow fall color.

Extra Information

Design Ideas/Themes:
Cottage Gardens, Woodland Gardens, Courtyards, Rustic, Informal, Cutting Garden, Contemporary, Asian/Zen
Native Habitat:
Hybrid Origin

Warranty Information

Deciduous trees are guaranteed for one full year* from date of purchase. For more detailed warranty information, please visit our warranty and returns page.

*Items marked clearance or that are more than 30% off of their original price do not qualify for warranty coverage.