
Swamp White Oak

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Quercus bicolor

Height: 50-60ft
Spread: 50-60ft
Zone: 3-8
Exposure: Full sun
Growth Rate: Moderate
Bloom Time/Color: N/A
Fall Color: Yellow/purple
Uses: Shade tree, street tree, rain garden, bogs
Maintenance: Low
Tree Shape: Broad, round
Other: N/A

Swamp white oak is the perfect tree for areas with water draining issues or as a specimen tree near ponds/creeks. It is identified in the landscape by its unique, large, bicolored lobed leaves that are a medium green on top and silvery white underneath and peeling, warm brown bark in juvenility. Trees traditionally obtain a rich gold fall color, however, depending on weather and other growing conditions, fall color can be reddish-purple some years. Acorns provide good food for birds and other wildlife. Despite its preference to acidic, moist soils in full sun, it has a surprisingly good tolerance to drought, clay, and other urban growing conditions. Overall a very hardy and durable tree.

Quercus bicolor is an Iowa native.

Extra Information

Design Ideas/Themes:
Rustic, Informal, Rain Gardens, Parks
Native Habitat:
Northeastern North America (including Iowa)

Warranty Information

Deciduous trees are guaranteed for one full year* from date of purchase. For more detailed warranty information, please visit our warranty and returns page.

*Items marked clearance or that are more than 30% off of their original price do not qualify for warranty coverage.